Li'l k

I am fortunate to have happy memories when I look at my childhood photos. I stand proud and smile widely as my mom focuses the Kodak Instamatic at my rigid pose, careful not to move and create a blurry photo. This series of photocopied images, enlarged from the original snaps, are collaged, stitched and painted, to pay homage to li’l me.

File it.

Through collage, this time-tested cataloging device celebrates the organizational brilliance of alphabetical order—elevating the pure utilitarianism of the simple file folder to the level of art.

Not Yo' Granny's Linen

Not Yo’ Granny’s Linen is inspired by both my stash of inherited linens and love of Jane Austin’s world. Conceptually, this collection is a satirical portrayal of the words never embroidered, never stitched and never spoken by our sisters of yesteryear. This series contrasts the stereotype of the well-bred, gentile homemaker with a healthy dose of feminism. Paying homage to the long tradition of women working with textiles, these linens are today’s embroidery samplers from cheeky, to flirty to down right subversive.

The Recipe Box

My fond childhood memories of baking with my parents inspired this project. These memories, coupled with the ritual of sharing time-honoured family recipes makes the series very personal for me. Handwritten recipes feel like a hug from a loved one. They’re reassuring, trustworthy and are treasured keepsakes just like family photo albums.

Handwriting itself is an important layer within this project—and is something that has had a huge impact on my artistic practice. I love my mother’s handwriting; it’s as much a part of my DNA as my own writing. Growing up left handed, I struggled with legibility and letter form. I copied from others that I admired, including my mother, and eventually developed my own style. I believe this fascination led to my career in graphic design and the inevitable inclusion of words and typography in my artwork.


As a creative, I am endlessly making, designing, and, “arting”. This section is a peek at some of the uncategorized pieces that I’ve made over the years.

Love Letters
(to my baby)

Clapping and dancing. Sleeping and laughing. This is my baby and she’s pure radiant joy. These postcard-size “love letters” collage words, symbols and retro images to celebrate and express the wonder that is my daughter and a whole new world called Motherhood.

Kimono Diaries Vol. 1

Kimono means, “things to wear”. This series is a metaphor for the emotions and feelings that I wear. Expressed in simple written form like a diary, each assemblage shares an intimate thought or a private experience. Each “entry” suggests that a greater story exists beyond what the viewer can see; they reveal who I am in the moment I committed them to paint.


Delivery reveals an artist at once grappling with and celebrating what it means to be a first-time mother. It captures the intensity and beauty of motherhood replete with deep stress, self-doubt, boundless joy and endless love.